IE 7 has been officially released.
Here are a few of the reported enhancements to the browser:
Simplified User Experience:
The Internet Explorer 7 frame is reorganized to make it noticeably simpler, more streamlined, and less cluttered with unnecessary items. This maximizes the area of the screen devoted to the webpages that you want to see and makes performing the most common browsing tasks easy.
RSS Feeds:
Automatically detects RSS feeds on sites by illuminating an icon on the toolbar. A single click on the icon allows you to preview and optionally subscribe to the site's RSS feed, and then be automatically notified as content is updated. Read RSS feeds directly in the browser, scan for important stories, and filter your view with search terms or site-specific categories.
Tabbed browsing:
View multiple sites in a single browser window. Easily switch from one site to another through tabs at the top of the browser frame.
Kinda sounds like FireFox Now..
But, IE 7 is only available for:
- Windows XP (service Pack 2)
- Windox XP Pro x64
- Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition
- Windows Server 2003 (service Pack 1)
Sorry win2k people, you'll have to live vicariously through your friends… or just use FireFox.
This will add some difficulty for web designers… Not being able to run different versions of IE on a single machine. Testing new site layouts will be tricky for a while.
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