I just had to share this site as the….. Site of the week!!! Say hello to… The WikiHow.
wikiHow is a collaborative writing project to build the world's largest how-to manual. With your contributions, we can create a free resource that helps people by offering clear, concise solutions to the problems of everyday life. wikiHow currently contains 15,674 articles written, edited, and maintained primarily by volunteers. Please join us by writing a new page, or editing a page that someone else has started.
This screen capture shows how/why this site sparked my interest. I don't know if you can tell but, the “How-to” in this image is all about turning a 3.5″ Floppy disk into a Starship Enterprise! I think they even have a “How-to” on running up a wall!!
This is a pretty nifty place.. So, take some time away from your Solitaire game and check out the WikiHow I think you'll find it very interesting!
© 2007, Robert Owen. All rights reserved.