Everybody may already know how to do this but, I didn’t and it was driving me crazy. And, since I will have to make this change again sometime, I’m posting it here.
Ever since I switched over to WordPress, I’ve been stuck with a two (2) meg file upload limit. I thought this was a bit crazy because I self host this site and have full control over every aspect of the server. Since I don’t give myself any limits anywhere else (I’m such a good host) I didn’t like having one here either. Or at least not one that small.
So, How do you change the max file upload size in WordPress? The simplest way is to edit your PHP.INI file. The location of this file will depend on your host or, if you install PHP yourself on your own server, it will depend on where you told it to create the file. There is a high possibility that it will be located in your Windows directory. That is, of course, if you installed it on a Windows Server.
At any rate, find the php.ini file, open it with your favorite text editor, look for this line:
upload_max_filesize = 2M
and change the size to whatever you need. So if you want a 32 meg limit make the line read:
upload_max_filesize = 32M
Save the file and close the text editor. For this new setting to take effect, you will need to restart IIS and is dependencies. Easiest way to get all of those restarted is to click “start —> run” then type “services.msc” in the run box. Find IIS Admin in the list, click it once so it is highlighted, then click “restart” on the left. This will then prompt you that it needs to restart the dependent services as well. Click “OK”. Once they are all stopped and restarted, you are good to go. Log back into WordPress and upload a file. You will see your new file limits in effect.
© 2011, Robert Owen. All rights reserved.