Hello Everyone, Happy Friday!!! We've been battling the Swine Flu here at my house. My wife is finally on the mends but, I though it was important to share the symptoms of the H1N1 virus so people would have a good idea of what to be on the look out for.... Then I got an e-mail doing it for me, I've included that below: … [Read more...]
Friday Funny: Things you probably shouldn’t do
Happy Friday!!! This week's Friday Funny is not a joke but, a series of images of certain activities. Activities that SHOULD NEVER be performed in the manner in which they are pictured. This post is not intended for instruction... In other words "These people are obviously professionals, don't attempt this at home!" Just click on a thumb nail to see a larger image. Enjoy! :lol: … [Read more...]
Scam attempts: Aren’t they cute?
Howdy all! I hope all is well for everyone this fine day! Today, I got a fresh scan attempt in my e-mail. This one is interesting in that fact that it abandons the old "Hey, I'm in another country and my pop died and I need to funnel his money out..." route. This is attempting to lure you in by embracing the whole "random internet user" thing... In fact it addressees it's opening remarks to "Internet User"... Is this supposed to give you a sense of security? I don't know but, from … [Read more...]
Friday Funny: The Afterlife
Hello everybody!!! Sorry for no Friday Funny post last week... It appears my friends really did have other things to do as no one sent me anything new. (Go figure! Bunch of over achievers!) Couple that with the fact that I was "Busier than a one armed paper hanger" and you have my excuse. So, here for your Friday Funny pleasure, I give you... The Afterlife! A couple made a deal that whoever died first would come back and inform the other of the afterlife. Their biggest fear was … [Read more...]
Windows 7 error 86
Windows 7 & Windows 2000 - Error 86 when mapping drives. One of my upgrades this week to Windows 7 was from a Windows XP laptop. Following the steps I outlined in my previous post the initial process was a breeze! No problems at all!! Simple, some would say, and as everything else goes as soon as "they" said it was simple... Something will break! That's just how it is... If something seems easy, it will be easy! Until you TELL someone it was easy, then all bets are off! In … [Read more...]
Windows 7 Clean Install from Upgrade
Windows 7 seems to be a hit! Since it's release on October 22, I've installed it in one form or another MANY, times probably twelve in the last 6 days. The first couple of upgrades concerned me slightly because of the indefinite answer on whether or not you could do a clean install from the upgrade disk. I had a couple of laptops running the release candidate and I DID NOT want to have to install Vista then do an upgrade. But to my surprise that was just as easy as the install from an … [Read more...]
Friday Funny: Redneck in NY
HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYBODY!!! Today's Friday Funny is yet another product of my e-mail. A Redneck from Tennessee walked into a bank in New York City and asked for the loan officer. He told the loan officer that he was going to Bakersfield on business for two weeks and needed to borrow $5,000 and that he was not a depositor of the bank. The bank officer told him that the bank would need some form of security for the loan, so the Redneck handed over the keys to a new Ferrari. The car was … [Read more...]