Here is another "Eaten Post" from my site Conversion. Happy Saturday to everyone... Following Friday Funny style (I know it's Saturday), the following came to me via an e-mail. Here is a random worthless mess for All those people who "know" everything. Who knows if it's 100% accurate or not but, if you know everything, you'll know. And, if you don't... Well... ENJOY! SO YOU THINK YOU KNOW EVERYTHING? A dime has 118 ridges around the edge. A cat has 32 muscles in each ear. A … [Read more...]
iPhone 3g – what?
I was on Twitter yesterday morning and saw a tweet come through with a link to the image below... It originates from the JoyofTech over at It appears they have an issue with the name for the latest iPhone release. (Who can blame them...) Either that or the artist was looking at a Lingerie magazine during the WWDC. :lol: Anyway, here ya go: Be sure and visit their site and tip the cartoonists if you liked this! … [Read more...]
Friday Funny: Johnny
Here is a funny for everyone this Friday: A first grade teacher, Mrs. Brooks was having trouble with one of her students. The teacher asked, "Johnny what is your problem?" Johnny answered, "I am too smart for the first Grade. My sister is in the third grade and I am smarter than she is! I think I should be in third grade too." Mrs. Brooks had enough. She took Johnny to the principal's office. … [Read more...]
Load DLL’s needed for Kernel – XP
Had a user call reporting their computer shutting off suddenly. On reboot, they received the message "On last operation CPU reported a thermal event" Well.. This told me that the CPU fan had probably choked and the CPU had overheated causing the PC shut down. Upon inspection I found my initial thought was only partially correct. The CPU had overheated, that was obvious, because the heat sync below the fan was completely clogged with dust... or a small feline, I'm not sure which. BUT, The fan … [Read more...]
Monkey Games and others
**EATEN POST** A while back, I was introduced to some neat online games. If you like Monkeys and robots, you'll like these! They seem to be a perfect waste of time so, I thought I'd share. Mokey Kick Off Monkey Lander Smashing Zed Not super futuristic games but, they are good time wasters if that's what you're looking for?!?!? Have Fun!! … [Read more...]
History Lesson
Continuing on the Theme of "Posts eaten" , we have this beauty below. It truly is a dandy, must be because, Wordpress ate it up like a plate of Chocolate covered bacon... mmmm, bacon! A friend of mine sent me a bit of information about our Presidential line that I did not know so, I thought I would share. Who was the first President? I'm sure that George Washington was your best guess. After all, no one else comes to mind. But think back to your history books - The United States … [Read more...]