January 10, 2025 – 12:14 PMDiary of a Snowbound Visionary, Day 2 (Still Day 1) Dear future historians, Much has transpired since my last entry. Shortly after sipping my Super Orange Emergen-C and mocking the absence of snow, trouble struck the heart of civilization—Corporate experienced technical issues. In the absence of any actual blizzard-related peril, digital chaos reigned supreme. I lost power at home, the cruel irony of working remotely during a snowstorm without snow. Determined to serve … [Read more...]
Snow-pocalypse 2025?
January 10, 2025 – 6:59 AM Diary of a Snowbound Visionary, Day 1 Good morning. As I sit sipping my Super Orange Emergen-C, a beverage of champions and germ-fighters alike, I contemplate the beginning of Snow-pocalypse 2025 – January Edition. The powdery fury that was foretold has yet to descend, but hope—or dread—lingers. Milk and bread supplies are already reaching crisis levels. There are rumors that a neighbor may have hoarded oat milk. I don’t even know what oat milk is, but desperate times … [Read more...]
Instagram Photos
Never seem to have my good camera handy enough so, I created an instagram account for all these glorious phone pictures. Having some issues getting the feeds to work properly now to changes in the Instagram API - for now, here's my profile View this profile on Instagram Robert A. Owen (@robert.a.owen) • Instagram photos and videos … [Read more...]
Time for more Pictures
I found this image today of little Gracie. She's the tiny cat in the house. … [Read more...]
Windows 10 – Forget Wireless Network
Long time, no type. :-) Like most things on this site, the information is here because I keep forgetting how to do something. I upgraded everything to Windows 10 and think its really pretty good. But, that's a conversation for another post. The reason for this post is the AT&T line coming into my house was struck by lightning a couple of weeks ago. As a result my router and a few switches were fried. So, I to make the dreaded support call and get a technician to come out and … [Read more...]
Powershell to check and start a service
Ok, this one is not funny. My posts are few and far between these days and they are mostly limited to pictures or something I find funny. But, I was going through one of my Onenote files tonight and ran across this powershell script I wrote a while back and thought I would share. When I put this script together, I was having issues with Collabnet Subversion on one of my servers. For some reason, the Collabnet Service was stopping each night and nothing was being logged anywhere to give me … [Read more...]
Its Amazing – Shia LaBeouf
I have no idea why I find this so hypnotic but, I can not quit watching it. So, I thought I would try to infect others. Enjoy ~ … [Read more...]