Darn Silliness! As you've probably noticed I've been listening to Brink.fm a bit here lately... not because I'm a HUGE fan of Radio (I'm more of a Audio Book person) but, because they play some pretty good stuff and a Friend of mine runs it. Patrick asked a bunch of us to record some Station IDs for him to use during song breaks. So, I cracked my knuckles, dug out the microphone, fired up Audacity and got to work. I decided to share some of my wonderful creations with you all... So … [Read more...]
Free Programs You Need
Free is good! And in this case Free is GREAT. Here are some of my favorite FREE programs that I use on a regular basis. Techie or not these programs will make a good addition to your arsenal. If you have a favorite useful program that is not listed please post it in the comments... (make sure it's FREE :-) ) Top Free Programs you NEED! Acrobat Reader : come on, you need to be able to open all those PDF's. Mozilla FireFox : Yes, get this browser! It's safe, fast, free and … [Read more...]
Friday Funny: 20 Dollars
I set a precident last week with TWO Friday Funnies... So, I thought it important that I scour my e-mail to find another worthy candidate for today's chuckles. Here it is Friday Funny #2 for April 3, 2009: TWENTY DOLLARS … [Read more...]
Friday Funny: 9 Phrases
Welcome to our first Friday Funny of April!!! Ok, today's Funny could be classified not so much as a "Funny" but more as list of phrases who's aim is to Educate Men on when they are about to get into trouble. So, I give to you... NINE PHRASES WOMEN USE … [Read more...]
Spring has Sprung, ugh.
SPRING HAS SPRUNG! Well, I'm much more interested in Winter than Spring... I see the sun all the time, winter brings the opportunity (how ever small) that I will get to see snow too. Don't get me wrong, I like the sunny warm weather of the Spring and Summer months. It's just that in Tennessee we get Sunny warm weather all year long. Even in the winter. ( Damn Global Warming! ) Winter here just means we now have the added possibility of cold and snow, and I really dig that possibility. This … [Read more...]
Internet Radio on the Brink!
From the wild and crazy mind of my friend Patrick, comes... Brink.fm Internet Radio is a beautiful thing and, if you're into Rock-n-Roll, this is the station for you! Just head on over to Brink.fm... Chose your listening method from the right-hand bar and you're off! There's a bonus too, if you just can't get enough, you can listen to brink from your cell phone using FlyCast. Here's how to use FlyCast: Just click the Flycast link from your phone, it will prompt you to download … [Read more...]
Oak Ridge Youth Symphony
On TuesdayApril 21, 2009 - 7p.m., the newly established Oak Ridge Youth Orchestra will have its premiere performance. The performance, under the direction of music director and conductor Rachel Grubb, will be held in the Oak Ridge High School Auditorium. The first performance will include: Bizet's L'Arlesienne Suite no. 1, Schumann Piano concerto in A minor and a World Premier by composer David Pegel. Cost: Reserved advance tickets :: $10. General admission at the door :: $5, student … [Read more...]