This may be old news, but it's new to me so here!!! It looks like Blackberry has decided to provided an App Store of its own. Yup, Just like Apple and the iPhone, they are working on a "store" to: ..Find tons of great applications designed for your BlackBerry® smartphone in one convenient place - BlackBerry App World™. Personalize your BlackBerry smartphone with games, social networks, personal productivity applications and so much more... Click here to Register for BlackBerry App World and be … [Read more...]
Friday Funny – Phatdippin Rap
Two Funnies this week??? Am I crazy? No, No.. It's just been THAT good of a week! This week's Friday Funny is from Rhett and Link again... Here is their latest video and I find it strangely addictive. Enjoy! … [Read more...]
31 Days to Build a Better Blog
Checking my twitter feed this morning I saw the following tweet from Alex Lavidge that looked pretty interesting: It looked pretty interesting so, beginning April 1, 2009, I will be participating in ... "31 Days to Build a Better Blog". April, this year, is not the most convenient time to be starting this but I'm determined to improve the quality of the content I provide on and think this would be a great way to start. This learning event is being lead by Darren Rowse … [Read more...]
Good Morning Sunshine
This came just now in my e-mail and I couldn't resist posting it. I know it's not Friday, but here's a good one for the collection. This is one of those "a picture is worth a thousand words" kind of a thing. Enjoy! Good Morning Sunshine! … [Read more...]
March-April Musical Activities
We're not all about computers and Viri and all that Tech stuff here at Owen Consulting. Oh no, we're into the musical scene as well... Well, at least I am. Here's what's going on for March and April. Some of this has already passed, sorry about that. But here it is anyway! March: 5th - KSO Runout to Greeneville, 7th - Oak Ridge "The Planets", 8th - Durufle Requiem, 15th - First Baptist Sevierville, 19th & 20th - KSO "Bolero!" April: 8th - Knoxville Jazz Orchestra "Tribute to Miles … [Read more...]
Knoxville Overground Downtown Center
It looks as though the Knoxville Overground is pushing forward and looking to create a downtown workspace along with their Sequoyah Hills office. Below is the latest post from 35 Market Square could be a micro-enterprise development center modeled off of one in San Francisco In the midst of our recession, the non-profit organization Knoxville Overground continues to push forward with its grassroots campaign to build resources for triple-bottom line entrepreneurs and … [Read more...]
Fresh and New
It's still a work-in-progress but, as you can see things have changed up a bit around here. I have been sporting the same ole look for the site for quite a while and decided that it was time to update. My blog has become an important section of the site and I needed a way to keep it updated while keeping the main area of the site in one fail swoop. I've been a big fan of Ray Camden's BlogCFC for quite a while. And, while it's a great blogging platform and has some basic CMS abilities, it's … [Read more...]