Sorry for the lateness of this week's Friday Funny. I've been busy! As, you'll see soon, I had some important experiments to attempt. Attempt, is the key word in the sentence. So, here it is... Something to make you smile when you've had a "I hate my Job" day. Enjoy! When you have an 'I Hate My Job day' [Even if you're retired, you sometimes have those days] Try this out: On your way home from work, stop at your pharmacy and go to the thermometer … [Read more...]
The Amber: Save Donna from the PO-PO
I live and work in Fountain City... So, I eat lunch in Fountain City. I like to go to "The Amber" Restaurant. This place has been here as long as I can remember and is a good place to go for Breakfast and Lunch (no dinner here, they close at 3:00). The food is good, and the people are nice. They have decided to raise money for Muscular Dystrophy. But, to do this they have provided some incentive, they are going to have the owner (Donna) arrested! So, if you are in Fountain City and find … [Read more...]
Gas…Its getting K-RAZY
It appears that Fountain City (aka, God's Country) is getting hit by some gas craziness! The prices down Broadway are going through the roof! Here is an update of the gas prices on Broadway as of 1:45pm on September 12, 2008. 3.89 - Citgo. 4.00 - Gas stop. 4.49 - Pilot. 3.69 - Phillips 66 - There was Quite a nice line here! 3.89 - Exxon. Hopefully all these crazy prices will calm down in a few days but, until then I'll be keeping my trips down to the bear necessities. No more … [Read more...]
Microsoft Zune Update
Attention all Zune owners out there! I just read over at the Supersite for Windows that Microsoft will be releasing the Zune 3.0 software/firmware update on September 16, 2008. The update adds some interesting features to the player. One makes use of the built-in FM tuner. Supposedly, if you are listening to the FM tuner on the Zune and hear a song you want, you will be able to tap the pad and purchase the song via wi-fi through the Zune Market Place. Another new feature is the addition … [Read more...]
Book 3: Brisingr
If any of you out there keep of with the Inheritance Series by Christopher Paolini, then you know that book 3, Brisingr is due to be released on September 20, 2008. The author has provided a small reading of a section to "tide" us over until the release. The video was a little "stuttery" but I might attribute that to my internet speed. (We all know that speed wise, I'm at the bottom of the barrel here. *sigh*) At any rate, I've included the video of the reading below. Enjoy! … [Read more...]
A Little Craziness..
To end the day, I thought I'd upload a little craziness that took place this weekend. I was conned into helping my Sister-In-Law make a video for her Religious Studies class. Apparently, they had to pick a topic from the Bible and turn it into a news cast. This is the resulting mess. The dark areas will be where her group mates will insert their "anchor person" speak. Please don't hold this against me. So, without further ado... Action News covers... Noah and the great … [Read more...]
Google Chrome: ooh, shiney!
Last night I downloaded and installed Google's new browser, Chrome. I plan on putting it through the ringer today and will, if possible, use it as my primary browser. My initial impressions are pretty positive. The download is simple and quick. There is a 400ish kilobyte installer that you download and run. That installer then brings down the rest of the browser. All in all download took about a minute or less.(that's saying something as my internet is terribly slow). When the … [Read more...]