Well, it's Football time in... I'm not going to finish that. I just can't. I won't even join in Fulmer lynch mob mania that is gearing up. No, for me this is just that time of year when I need to know the Vol's football schedule. Not for the assumed reason of being a fan. (Cause, I'm not... never have gotten into football) But, because it's time for me to plan any needed alternate (escape) routes... you know, to keep me away from campus should I need to travel on game day. So, if you need to … [Read more...]
Happy Labor Day!
Just a quick note: Hope everyone has a happy and "Labor free" Labor Day! Just remember, Tuesday "Back on your head!" … [Read more...]
Friday Funny: All Political Like
Welcome to another edition of... Friday Funnies!!! Today's Friday Funny comes to us from a good friend who likes to forward lot's of e-mails. This Funny is of a "Political" nature so if you are easily offended by jokes made against your particular party, then don't read on. It's "safe for work" (as they say), but people get funny (not funny ha ha) when we all start a talkin "Politics". [More] … [Read more...]
Hugged your Developer today?
I just ran across this video and thought it deserved a re-post. Have you Hugged your Developer today? … [Read more...]
Bigfoot was a Hoax – Again
Amazingly enough, my last Bigfoot post has turned out to be a hoax!! According to an article over at National Geographic it was merely days after the latest announcement that the siting/find of the body was discounted. According to the report... Some "ominous" signs started showing up during the "testing" of the body. When the "hairs" plucked from the body were burnt for testing, they "melted into a ball uncharacteristic of hair." More ominous signs emerged as the ice encasing the body began … [Read more...]
Error – A problem on your computer is preventing updates from being downloaded
Ok... You find your Windows computer needs some updates. So, you go to Windows Update and download the needed fixes. Windows goes to install them and fails immediately giving you this error: Error: A problem on your computer is preventing updates from being downloaded Here's what to do to solve the problem: Click "Start" then "Run" and type cmd to open a command window At the command prompt type regsvr32 wuapi.dll You should then receive the message that the DLL has been registered. … [Read more...]
BlogCFC – Tests
So Sorry for the lame post... Again... But I need to test a new feature that has been added to BlogCFC. BlogCFC now includes... Podcast support! Not that I have a podcast... but it is a neat feature none the less. So, this test should provide a little player below to play my sample file. *** Update: First attempt= FAIL, possible I borked the upgrade. gotta check *** Update #2: Works now. Hear my lovely voice below ;) … [Read more...]