Well, several months back I decided I wanted a Zune 80gig. So, I got online, found out who carried them locally and went and got one. I will have to say it has been a great investment. It is much better than my wife's 80gig video IPOD. Bigger screen, more vibrant colors, etc.. But, today I started the Zune software to update my Podcasts and found that they would not download. Each podcast showing this error: EPISODE DOWNLOAD ERROR Can't download this episode. There could be a … [Read more...]
Coworking in Knoxville
A good thing about working for yourself can be the independence that it provides. But, some of the bad things about working for yourself can be the solitude and the lose of the ability to bounce ideas off others. Well, my wife was looking around Facebook a few weeks back and ran across a Group called CoWorking Knoxville and thought it would be up my alley. Here's how Coworking Knoxville describes themselves: We're a group of free-lancers, Web programmers, self-employed professionals, … [Read more...]
New site in progress: HornSpit dot com
Got a new site officially in progress now. This is a site that came about from one long night in the Opera Pit. As another horn player and I were talking, about internet needs none the less, HornSpit.com was born. This site is planned to be a repository of all things irreverent about the French Horn (or properly known as: Horn). Funnies, how tos, How to-nots, etc. So if there are any would be Horn players out there that would like to contribute to, what I am sure will be history in the making, … [Read more...]
Post to multiple social networks at one time
If you are a web social butterfly with your facebook, plurk, twitter, friendfeed, brightkite, etc accounts then the ping.fm service is your you! Ping.fm is a simple and reliable service that makes updating your social networks a snap. You simply log in, set-up the services you want to update and you're done! Type your message and hit submit! All your social accounts are updated in one fail swoop! nothing easier! Now ping.fm is still in beta. But, if you want to give them a try hop over to … [Read more...]
Happy July 4th!!!
I hope everyone has a Happy and SAFE 4th of July. Although it would be a tremendous honor, I would hate for anyone to be added to the Fireworks Hall of Fame this year!! [More] … [Read more...]
While I'm sharing…
Heard about this little ditty from the June 20 edition of Windows Weekly. If you use FireFox you know you can type: about:config into the address bar and make some changes to the FireFox configuration. Well, If you type about:robots into the address bar of FireFox you will see a pretty funny little message. [More] … [Read more...]
Just had to share!
This has to be one of the greatest breakfast food ideas in a long while... A synergy of flavors so to speak! [More] … [Read more...]