I have to say that my initial impression of Mozy Backup was not that great. Besides the abundance of outgoing bandwidth at my server the initial backup was very slow. I was only sending up a little over 1.5 gig of data and, it took the better part of a day to complete. But, now that I think about it more, that was actually a good thing. That way the first backup does not totally consume your outgoing pipe. Well, no sooner than my initial backup was complete, I needed to restore some data. In … [Read more...]
Friday Funny: Men are Just Happier People
It's Friday again, time to delve through my e-mail and see what's funny. As I started digging through the archives this little ditty pops in... think I'll share it. Men are Just Happier People: [More] … [Read more...]
Online Back-ups
Well, after great thought and study, I've decided to go with Mozy as my online back-up choice. I've set up the account and have installed the clients. One server and one desktop client. My server has a tremendous amount of bandwidth so, I thought I would do it's initial back-up first. So far I'm not real happy with the transfer speeds but I am transferring 1.6 gig worth of data so I will reserve judgment until it completes. After my initial back-ups complete, I will attempt … [Read more...]
Friday Funny: mmmm Chicken and Waffles!
Hello everyone! Well I love good fried chicken.. and I really like a good waffle from time to time. Now thanks to these guys I know there is a place dedicated to putting both on one plate! I just can't get enough of this one..... … [Read more...]
Happy FireFox day!! FireFox 3 released
It's FireFox download day!! The Official release of Mozilla's FireFox browser is up and ready to download. Traffic on the site seems a little high today as it took a few times before my connection to their site went through. So, be diligent, get out there and start downloading!! Get FireFox 3 Now … [Read more...]
Calm Down!!
This is just a little rant. You probably don't want to hear/read this but hey, this is my site so here goes. This past Christmas my lovely wife, knowing the geek I am, got me this great t-shirt. If you are a geek like me you can determine the subject of this shirt quite easily. Now, if you can't tell... I'll fill you in. This shirt's subject is the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. ( a most hilarious movie BTW) So... How/why is this a rant? Well. I wore this T-shirt this … [Read more...]
Want an IPOD? – Twitter a story!
Found a contest for all you Twitterererers out there.. There is a contest going on over at Coppyblogger.com.. Can you tell a story in exactly 140 characters? That's the idea behind the first ever @copyblogger Twitter writing contest. It should be a great exercise and a lot of fun. Being constrained to exactly 140 characters will spark your creative juices and force you to focus stringently on word choice, sentence structure, and even punctuation. So, twitter up your story and go … [Read more...]