Ok. All things considered in a Microsoft world, this was a pretty painless update. It may be hard to read but, the image left says that this installation will take an hour or more. Well, it's not joking. The entire process took me right at 1 hour to complete. Step one - Download the update. Now, make sure and download this update through Windows Update. The size of this update could be 65 - 427 MB. This size will be determined by your current level of patches (udates) my machine was pretty … [Read more...]
Get Fax Receipts from SBS 2003 Fax Services
This had eluded me.. But I just found the solution so I thought I would post it... I had to reinstall a Windows 2003 Small Business Server last week.. This particular customer made use of the Fax Service. Before the reinstall the Fax Service would e-mail a receipt through Exchange to the sending user but this was no longer happening. After a little digging I found the reason why.. It was not turned on. So, to turn on The Fax receipt function in SBS 2003 you will need to do the following: Open … [Read more...]
Vista Service Pack 1
First I'd, like to type my normal apology for slow posts... It's been a hectic month. ANYWAY, today I see that Windows Vista Service Pack 1 is now being pushed out via windows update. I know it was released last week but today is the first time it has showed up in my automatic updates. My friend Doug requested that I fulfill my role as Guinea Pig and install this "Straight away!" as it will make .. it'll make for some good drama in a blog post (; So, Today I start the … [Read more...]
Friday Funny – Wise Ben Franklin
Sorry for the lack of Friday Funnies.... I'm trying to do better... With that in mind, this came in my e-mail this morning and I thought I would share.. Ben Franklin Said. This is to those who enjoy a glass of wine... and those who don't. As Ben Franklin said: In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is freedom, in water there is bacteria. [More] … [Read more...]
Windows 2003 Server does not stream FLV videos
I was having some trouble today getting a flash file to work. I was trying to stream a FLV (Flash video) file and although it was working great on my local machine it would not stream when I loaded it up on my server. The SWF file would play, well.. the controls would come up but the file wouldn't stream.. I waisted a lot of time moving files around and re-making before I found this. Like always, thought I'd share.. Issue: When Flash Player movie files that stream external FLV … [Read more...]
Speed up File Copy in Vista
I've been using Vista Ultimate as my primary OS now for nearly a year and, I have to say I'm having VERY FEW problems. Certainly not the horror stories you read all over the web and, really no more than I had with Windows XP Pro. It may have something to do with the machine I built to run Vista. (It gets a 5.4 on the Windows Experience Index) I get no system freezes, no " … [Read more...]
150 miles per Galleon?!??!?
Oh Man, Oh Man, Oh Man!!!! My cousin forwarded this to me the other day. I just took a second and checked it out. Amazing!! If this thing is real, my gas troubles are over. With gas getting up to $3.00 per gallon here in TN I would spend the extra $$$$$ to get that kind of mileage. Check this out: You can read more on the company at their website. … [Read more...]