Well... I'm new to the old video game thing.. Pretty new anyway. I used to be a master gamer... At my Atari and games like Tank/Pong.. etc. So, My family got me an XBOX 360 for Christmas last year. One of the Games they got me with the console was Halo 2. I have to say that I am horrible at that game.. Completely terrible. I think when I play it on-line my average life span is something like 15 - 20 seconds. But I enjoy playing it occasionally and listening to the 9 - 12 year olds' … [Read more...]
Outlook error: 0x800CCC90
The other day a client called me reporting that he was unable to download his e-mail with Outlook 2003. He reported this error: Your incoming (POP3) mail server has reported an Internal Error. If you continue to receive this message, contact your server administrator or Internet Service Provider (ISP). The server Reported: -ERR problem retrieving message. Now, this is a horrible error.. Really only because it is so vague. Microsoft says this about that error: CAUSE This … [Read more...]
Friday Funny – Blonde Joke
Welcome to another edition of the Friday Funnies. This week's Friday funny comes from my mother-in-law. Enjoy this classic Blonde Joke [More] … [Read more...]
Site of the Week: TipBin
Ray Camden over a ColdfusionJedi blogged about a new site called TipBin. So, I went over to check it out and it is really pretty cool. I think everyone should go check this out and share your tips! I've not added any yet but plan on doing so this afternoon. Here's a little info from the TipBin site: About TipBin I have this theory about the world: nobody is stupid. It doesn't matter who you are, what you do, or where or how long you went to school. You know things … [Read more...]
Samsung BlackJack
Well.... For various reasons I've had to replace my Blackberry 7100g cell phone. When I first got it two years ago it worked really well for about 1 week... Then it started dropping calls, turning itself off, etc... So I went back to the Cingular Store where I got it and they made me call Blackberry and ... well.. they had me send it back and they sent me a refurb. Which, worked well until very recently. This phone started behaving the same as my first. So, I went into my local Cingular … [Read more...]
Vista Keyboard Shortcuts
I was doing some poking around on my keyboard to see what shortcuts where still working in Windows Vista. Thankfully all the ones I was used to were still there.. But, there had to be more? Newer... Groovier?? Well, here is a list of all the Windows Vista keyboard shortcuts. I don't know how Groovy these are... But they will be useful. EASE OF ACCESS Press Right SHIFT for eight seconds ---->Turns Filter Keys on and off Press Left ALT+left SHIFT+PRINT SCREEN (or PRTSCRN) ---->Turns High … [Read more...]
Virus caused TCP/IP Problems
Ok... Your PC was FULL of viruses and spyware. Boo!!! But, You've managed to successfully remove them... Hurrahhh!!! Well, upon reboot you now can no longer get to the internet.. Boooo!!! Dropping to a command prompt and doing an ipconfig returns this wonderfully cryptic information: Windows IP Configuration An Internal error occured: The request is not supported. Please contact Microsoft Product Support Services for further help. Additional information: Unable to query host name. This … [Read more...]