Again, this Friday Funny comes to us via my e-mail.... Ahh e-mail, such a useful tool that yields so much useless, yet funny, material. A cowboy, who is visiting Wyoming from Texas , walks into a bar and orders three mugs of Bud. He sits in the back of the room, drinking a sip out of each one in turn. When he finishes them, he comes back to the bar an orders three more. The bartender approaches and tells the cowboy, "You know, a mug goes flat after I draw it It would taste better if you … [Read more...]
Joost Invites
A while back I got an invite from Kyle Hayes to try out Joost. And, although I don't use it a lot I still think it's pretty cool! The content seems to be getting better and the quality is great! Well, I was watching the "AquaMan" Pilot last night, fumbling around in the player and noticed that I too seem to have some invites. I don't know how many I have but I think everybody that can should try this out! So, if anyone wants an Invite to try Joost, just leave me a comment here … [Read more...]
Quick Fix of the day – Win XP
I had a friend call just now. Turns out his kids had been playing with his computer and now his Windows desktop has turned on it's side. I.E. the top is to the left, bottom moved to the right.. etc. Mouse movements, everything was affected. Well, should this ever happen to you or anyone you know, just hit Ctrl-Alt-"up-Arrow" on the keyboard and that should set things back to normal. … [Read more...]
Friday Funny – I used to like cats!
I just ran across this video and had to share... I have four cats and I'll have to say that I have seen the look in their eyes when they are about to go nuts like this... Always best to just let them go somewhere else. This is not for the faint-of-heart.. Enjoy? … [Read more...]
Site of the Week: Microsoft Surface
This week's Site of the Week is the Microsoft Surface Website. This is really a pretty cool thing. Take a second and check it out.. Next thing you know, the Borg will be invading. Oh, kind of interesting the site seems to be done in Flash and not Silverlight … [Read more...]
Day for Announcements!!
Well, today is starting to shape up quite nicely. This morning Adobe announced the beta release of Coldfusion 8 (Scorpio). Head over and check it out.. From the examples going on over at Ray Camden's Site It looks like this release will be well worth it!! And Also, a friend of mine just e-mailed me with this little tid-bit: Fred Dalton Thompson is planning to enter the presidential race over the Fourth of July holiday, announcing that week that he has already raised several million … [Read more...]
Why? Microsoft. Why?
I was looking over the new back-up utility in Windows Vista.. And looked into the help files to see this: Will automatic backups run if my computer is turned off? No. If your computer is turned off during the scheduled backup time, automatic backups will not run. However, the next time you turn on your computer, you will be able to back up your files and resume the normal backup schedule. I just want to know why... Who asked that question once that they needed to put it in the help … [Read more...]