Here's a Useless post for everyone.. I found a site: that will let you create your own South Park character. Pretty good time waister. Here's mine for the day.. This guy reflects my general mood when waking this morning. What do you think? … [Read more...]
Screen Capture… The Vista Way…
Way back when... I blogged about easy screen capturing in windows... Well now there is Microsoft Vista and the methods I listed in the blog no longer work. But luckily... It's still easy... Super Easy I say! With the introduction of Microsoft Vista there is a nifty new utility called the "Snipping Tool". [More] … [Read more...]
Friday Funny – Teller Troubles
I've done it!!!! A Friday Funny on Friday again!! Woo Hoo!! Enjoy! MALE VS. FEMALE AT THE ATM MACHINE A new sign in the Bank Lobby reads: "Please note that this Bank is installing new Drive-through ATM machines enabling customers to withdraw cash without leaving their vehicles. Customers using this new facility are requested to use the procedures outlined below when accessing their accounts." After months of careful research, MALE & FEMALE Procedures have been developed. Please … [Read more...]
New to MySQL
Well.. This is just a test entry. I have converted my DB over to MySQl and and working out the bugs from the conversion. Most likely this will get deleted. TEST … [Read more...]
Internet Speed Tests
Just how fast IS you connection? I know... your ISP says that you are getting 3meg down x 768 up but, are you? If your Internet connection seems slow, you should do some checking before complaining to your ISP. There are many sites available with Internet speed tests. Internet speed tests let you know how your connection is actually doing at that point in time. And, with some reference tests done you go back to ISP with more information than; "Hey my internet is slow!!" You can go to Google, … [Read more...]
Randomness knows no bounds!!
Here's something completely different for you guys.. I'll be sure and post this entry under the Random Tibits Category.... This one is Quite a bit off mark... Any way. [More] … [Read more...]
Jazz Anyone??
If you like Jazz, then you need to check out the latest CD from the Knoxville Jazz Orchestra. This CD titled, BLUES MAN FROM MEMPHIS, contains "more from the Musical Mind of Donald Brown" and features John Clayton, Stefon Harris & Gregory Tardy. CD tracks: Nancy and the Children's Playground Blues for Brother Jerome Theme for Malcolm Daddy's Girl Cynthia New York The Scenic Route to Donny's Heart The Thing About George Coleman Peace for Zim This really is a great group and … [Read more...]