Just read over at Ray Camden's Blog about a new site released by Rey Bango called GotCFM.com. GotCFM.com is a site dedicated to promoting ColdFusion-related technologies. It is a site for CFML evangelism and knowledge. It is a site that will let people understand why the CF community loves this engine and why ColdFusion-centric technologies *ARE* an amazing choice for building scalable and engaging websites. So, take some time and go over and submit all of your Coldfusion powered … [Read more...]
Friday Funny – HMMM?
The Friday Funny for this week was sent in by a client... Carla... Enjoy the story of King Arthur. Young King Arthur was ambushed and imprisoned by the monarch of a neighboring kingdom. The monarch could have killed him but was moved by Arthur's youth and ideals. So, the monarch offered him his freedom, as long as he could answer a very difficult question. Arthur would have a year to figure out the answer and, if after a year, he still had no answer, he would be put to death. The … [Read more...]
Knoxville Wind Symphony
Just a note to all you music lovers out there... The Knoxville Wind Symphony will present a Chamber Winds concert February 25 at 3 pm at the Knoxville Museum of Art. The repertoire for the afternoon program will trace chamber music through the past 250 years, including a Mozart Serenade, Mendelssohn Overture for Winds, Grainger's pioneering Hill Song II for large chamber ensemble, and Lucas Richman's Humors for Wind Ensemble. The concert will conclude with Robert Kurka's Suite … [Read more...]
More Outlook Information
Ran into this question today... I have multiple contact lists, how do I change the default address book that Outlook uses? Here are the directions for anyone else who wants to know. edited:Outlook 2002, 2003 and 2007 From the Tools menu, select Address Book... . The Address Book will open in a new window. In the new Address Book window, from the Tools menu, select Options... . Under "Show this address list first:", use the scroll-down menu to select the appropriate listing (i.e., … [Read more...]
Outlook PST files
I've had to deal with outlook "PST" files lately and thought I'd post some general info about them. For those of you who use Microsoft Outlook you might want to know where your data is actually saved. Outlook saves all of your data in a file called "Outlook.pst". The "pst" extension stands for "Personal STore" and this is a fairly complex database that contains all of your: Mail, contacts, calendar information, notes, and anything you save within outlook. Should you ever need to transfer you … [Read more...]
Friday Funny – Just one More
I really do work... I just found this in an old e-mail and had to share... Enjoy!! Two Friday Funnies should make up for not having any last week.... This one may be considered "Bad-Taste" so.... … [Read more...]
Friday Funny – Cool Test
Happy Friday!!! Today's "Friday Funny" comes from my friend James. Are you still cool? You know you were cool as a teenager - how about now? Take the Cool Test … [Read more...]