Weird title, huh?! Well, last time I showed you all the code I like to use for Simple pop-up Windows. Really simple and easy to use. This window is useful when you are displaying product details, Biographical details etc. Really, anytime you are returning a list and you want to save space on the main page. To Fuel this window you need to start with the main page of info. For example, we have these products listed on our page: Lets pretend that we want the user to be able to click … [Read more...]
Happy New Year!
I hope everyone had Fun (safe) celebrations last night!! I made it till 11:00 before I had to call it a night. Is that a sign of age? I hope not... I rang in the New Year with a loud Snore! I wish everyone a Happy and productive 2007! … [Read more...]
Simple Pop-up Window
I tend to use this little bit of javascript quite a bit so I thought I would share. You can use this little javascript to add a "Pop-up" window effect to links in your website. For example, if you have a page of product images and Item numbers you can make them link to a "Pop-up" window with the item details. … [Read more...]
Site of the Week:
Continuing my effort to provide useful links to useful sites... This week's Site of the week is Is a new resource developed and maintained by some VERY smart coldfusion and web developers: Raymond Camden, Ben Forta, Scott Stroz, and Emmet McGovern. Anyone who has children and wants to find out information about the games they want to play BEFORE you buy them , this site will prove to be a great resource. The reviews are categorized by gaming platform and the … [Read more...]
Windows XP Auto Logon
Firstly I hope Everyone had a wonderful Christmas! Hope Santa was good to all.. Today, I'm making a note on windows XP auto logon. I've had need to use this a couple of time s before but always seem to forget just how to set it up. If you computer IS NOT part of a Domain, you can configure Windows XP to automate the logon process. Business computers generally have a domain and for those machines this option will not appear because a password must be given to access the local area … [Read more...]
Friday Funny – OOPS!
This week's Friday Funny is a little suspect... Some may not find this one as Funny as some others but, some may... So, with that in mind, I give you the Friday Funny.....: A man walked into a very high-tech bar. … [Read more...]
Site of the Week: Knoxville Jazz Orchestra
This Tuesday's site of the week is...... late.. I know Tuesday is almost over. Well, here it is anyway. If you Love Jazz and live anywhere near Knoxville, TN then you should check out the Knoxville Jazz Orchestra. Established in August of 1999, the Knoxville Jazz Orchestra is an exciting ensemble made up of top professional musicians from around the region. The group is led by trumpeter Vance Thompson and performs regularly in the Knoxville area. For upcoming performance information click … [Read more...]