IE 7 has been officially released. Here are a few of the reported enhancements to the browser: Simplified User Experience: The Internet Explorer 7 frame is reorganized to make it noticeably simpler, more streamlined, and less cluttered with unnecessary items. This maximizes the area of the screen devoted to the webpages that you want to see and makes performing the most common browsing tasks easy. RSS Feeds: Automatically detects RSS feeds on sites by illuminating an icon on the toolbar. A … [Read more...]
Friday Funny – a new
Well... It's been a while since I've had a Friday Funny. I bet most of you thought I'd given up? You know, YouTube is a pretty neat place and that is where this week's FRIDAY FUNNY comes from. My Niece has been wanting an IPOD but, they were so expensive.. This one may bet right in our price range.. Although, it is a little limited. Isn't technology wonderful? Maybe now, everyone will join the IPOD craz.... … [Read more...]
Javascript Countdown
Not long ago I Blogged about a Coldfusion method for counting down to a specific date. Well, if you don't have access to a coldfusion server for your site, it's pretty easy to add the same function with Javascript. I found this script at: JavaScriptKit It's really simple to modify. Just modify the "var before " and "var current" text to your own text. Then modify the date in the "countdown(yyyy,mm,dd)" statement. Then Place this bit of code in the body where you would like … [Read more...]
Not Coldfusion….
I'm trying my best to keep things relevant... Well, maybe I'm not. Anyway, as you can tell.. or maybe you can't I don't know, this is yet another Non-Coldfusion, non-Techincal, non-helpful Post.. Hey this blog is "Random" isn't it?!? Well, I've decided to try and improve my picture taking skills. When building websites, you always find yourself in need of some picture or image you don't have. I've never been a good photographer and... well.. these images aren't necessarily good. But The bug … [Read more...]
Life in the 1500’s
Submitted by: James This is fairly interesting... don't know how true but, interesting: Most people got married in June, because they took their yearly bath in May and still smelled pretty good by June. However, they were starting to smell, so brides carried a bouquet of flowers to hide the body odor. Hence the custom today of carrying a bouquet when getting married. … [Read more...]
Flash Parking
Need to practice parking? Well, Here is a neat little work day waiste of time for you.. Fun with Parking!! … [Read more...]
CSS Image Restrictions
Message to the Masses: Help, I'm looking for a cross browser css solution to limit image display sizes. Ex: A user uploads an un sized photo, the image is 2400px x 2400px. I want to make the maximum displayable size 500px wide. This first example works but, makes every image the same size: This bit works like I want but only in FireFox Internet Explorer ver. 7 but, not in IE 6 without adding javascript or a new CFC is there a good way to do this in CSS? … [Read more...]