Day 26 I was trying to figure out what I would take a picture of for today's shot... The day was almost over and I was running out of time. Then, while barreling towards the house (after leaving "the man") I saw the sun setting through the clouds. The colors were really cool. Though the colors are pretty cool, I probably shouldn't have tried this while driving 65... The phone camera is pretty handy but possibly running a bus of Nuns off the road isn't worth it, I guess... … [Read more...]
A Picture A Day – Day 25
Day 25 Today's picture is ... well... It's... I don't know why I took this picture, I just had an overwhelming urge to share this image with everyone. … [Read more...]
A Picture A Day – Day 24
It's Day 24 Bet you're getting tired of nothing but pictures... right? Well, don't worry. I've run into some interesting issues working for "The Man" and will be writing those up soon. I tell ya, they will blow your mind. Literally. But, here's the picture for today. The rain returned and with that came the spontaneous lake behind the parking lot and with that the ducks came back!! And, those Ducks brought friends! I guess the parking lot drainage is pretty inviting. WWE … [Read more...]
A Picture A Day – Day 23
Day 23 Here ya go... More interesting. Well, not really. But, it is definitely nicer to look at! Our Tulips have reached a decent size. We get more and more of these each year. Coming soon, I'll have MANY more interesting pictures! The entire Network Engineering Team will be going to Wrestle Mania Soon. So, that will count for interesting pictures, right? … [Read more...]
A Picture A Day – Day 22
Here we are, Day 22 --- It's gig time again. At a rehearsal up in Oak Ridge and during a lull I decided to take a few pictures of the stage and peoples with my phone. When I got to looking at the results, individually they seemed a little lacking. But, they each covered enugh of the stage that I was able to combine them in to a single panorama. A little fuzzy, sure...But not too bad for a phone! Almost a month down... See you on day 23. … [Read more...]
A Picture A Day – Day 21
No excuses.. Getting the picture out of the way early today. Here we are; on the way to see "The Man". "The Man" likes it when you show up on time. I'm not gonna lie... Maybe I am... Ok, One more time... I'll try and get something more interesting tomorrow... See, sounds good, eh? See you on Day 22. … [Read more...]
A Picture A Day – Day 20
Day 20... Driving into the Den of "The Man" The clouds coming over the Farm had a nice color this morning... This is a much better picture than yesterday. Not anymore interesting but, much easier to look at than yesterday's shot. I actually did stop before taking this picture... I didn't want to lose control and run over any cows. That would have made for a bad start to the day. ;-) … [Read more...]