Hello peoples !! Want an Invite to Google Wave? Well, as It so happens, I have a few to pass out. I've still not figured out how I am going to make use of this new service but, I log in from time to time and give it a go. When I logged into my Google Wave account today I found that I have 15 more invites to give away! Hurray!?!? Now, some of you may be asking: "What is Google Wave?" Well, who better to answer that than Google themselves: Google Wave is a new online communication and … [Read more...]
Friday Funny: When Nature Calls
Happy Friday Everybody!! I hope your week has been Fun and Entertaining. But, if it hasn't, then... um... er... HAPPY FRIDAY, it's almost over! Take a break this weekend, kick back, relax... Don't think about Thanksgiving coming up. Don't think about how dirty the house is. Don't think about how much food you have to cook. No, think of nothing. And what better "nothing" to think of than a good-ole Friday Funny! :-) In order to help you "not think", I've elected to post a video. … [Read more...]
Friday Funny: The Swine Flu – Do you have it?
Hello Everyone, Happy Friday!!! We've been battling the Swine Flu here at my house. My wife is finally on the mends but, I though it was important to share the symptoms of the H1N1 virus so people would have a good idea of what to be on the look out for.... Then I got an e-mail doing it for me, I've included that below: … [Read more...]
Friday Funny: Things you probably shouldn’t do
Happy Friday!!! This week's Friday Funny is not a joke but, a series of images of certain activities. Activities that SHOULD NEVER be performed in the manner in which they are pictured. This post is not intended for instruction... In other words "These people are obviously professionals, don't attempt this at home!" Just click on a thumb nail to see a larger image. Enjoy! :lol: … [Read more...]
Scam attempts: Aren’t they cute?
Howdy all! I hope all is well for everyone this fine day! Today, I got a fresh scan attempt in my e-mail. This one is interesting in that fact that it abandons the old "Hey, I'm in another country and my pop died and I need to funnel his money out..." route. This is attempting to lure you in by embracing the whole "random internet user" thing... In fact it addressees it's opening remarks to "Internet User"... Is this supposed to give you a sense of security? I don't know but, from … [Read more...]