Apparently my Database is screwed .... I have many posts that were/are marked as drafts and wont change so they can be displayed. Not that anyone cares, that is. But, I'm working on fixing it currently and am sure I will have a thrilling story to tell once I've straightened things out. These were all posts prior to my Wordpress 3.2 update. But, they seem to have been dead prior to that. So, If there be a slew of updates tonight... I'm sorry? or... Enjoy? But who … [Read more...]
A Picture A Day – Day 29
Day 29 Ok... Day 29 or WWE Day 2. Your pick. There were just too many pictures today so I've uploaded them all to my Flickr account. I'm just going to put a slideshow below or you can visit my WWE Set on Flickr to selectively thumb through them all. Enjoy some Wrastlin! … [Read more...]
A Picture A Day – Day 28
Day 28 Today is the day we head down to Atlanta for WWE Wrestle Mania. I know, I know... Don't I mean "Wrastlin" well, kinda. The guys in my department, you know working for "the man", let slip that they LOVED WWE. It just so happens that I apparently have an "in" there. I abused the friendship of one of my best friends and... "poof!" Wrestlemania here we come. Today is the "Hall of Fame Shoe" and tomorrow is the big event. I plan on taking some pictures... Lots of Pictures. But, I have no … [Read more...]
A Pitcture A Day – Day 27
Day 27 - ish I skipped a couple of days here... oops. Was a little busy working the last couple of days with "bid-ness" for "the man" and couldn't work up the gumption to look at another monitor when I got back home. But, on this fine day the sun rise had a particularly interesting hue. I title this picture "Sunrise over the Dandelions" It's a little dark but you can just see the lone dandelions stretching high to spread their "weed seed" as the sun peaks over the trees. Once again, this … [Read more...]
A Picture A Day – Day 26
Day 26 I was trying to figure out what I would take a picture of for today's shot... The day was almost over and I was running out of time. Then, while barreling towards the house (after leaving "the man") I saw the sun setting through the clouds. The colors were really cool. Though the colors are pretty cool, I probably shouldn't have tried this while driving 65... The phone camera is pretty handy but possibly running a bus of Nuns off the road isn't worth it, I guess... … [Read more...]