If you have access to a coldfusion server then you you have the ability to handle form processing in a couple lines of code. With other methods you would make the "action" of your form post to a script held in a cgi directory. You would have to find that script and edit it to allow content from your form and to process the mail to an allowed address. … [Read more...]
Get an RSS Feed with ColdFusion
Ok, I'm probably last man to the party with this one but I thought I'd share. I can't remember where I found this bit of code but, it is pretty darn handy! If you want to add your favorite RSS feed to your site and have it update dynamically, then this is for you. … [Read more...]
Coldfusion Countdown
Ok. Couldn't end the week being totally worthless.. Here is a nice simple way to "Count-down" from now to a specific date using coldfusion. #DateDiff("d", Now(), CreateDate(2007,2,25))# days til my Birth day. The "d" means days, "Now()" means get the date right now. The "CreateDate" takes the information inside the "()" and makes it a date using the format year/month/day. To output just enclose it inside "# #" and between a cfoutput tag. Add the appropriate text... like my … [Read more...]