Crazy thoughts? We all have them from time to time. But this weekend, I had a doozy. Sitting in rehearsal with The Symphony of the Mountains for our side-by-side concert of Movie Music with area high schoolers, I was playing along when—like all brass players must—I needed to empty my slides. (“spittious-accumulatious” for the uninitiated.) I looked down at the fresh pattern on the floor left by my most recent…ejection…and a thought struck me. (Naturally, I had to share it with the second … [Read more...]
Feedback – two way street
This is a copy of a post I placed on LinkedIn. Feedback its a Two-Way Street: The Gift You Must Be Ready to ReceiveAt work we often hear and read complaints about the lack of feedback. Team members claim they crave it, and we as leaders, strive to provide it. But there’s an unspoken truth: many of those asking for feedback aren’t truly prepared to receive it. They dismiss it as invalid, blame external factors, or simply aren’t open to hearing it.I've come to the feeling that feedback is a … [Read more...]
Instagram Photos
Never seem to have my good camera handy enough so, I created an instagram account for all these glorious phone pictures. Having some issues getting the feeds to work properly now to changes in the Instagram API - for now, here's my profile View this profile on Instagram Robert A. Owen (@robert.a.owen) • Instagram photos and videos … [Read more...]
Time for more Pictures
I found this image today of little Gracie. She's the tiny cat in the house. … [Read more...]
Bones for Homes by Elijah
This is a Great cause! Take a moment and go buy a T-Shirt to help support the rescuing of Dogs in our area! Here's a little info on Bones for Homes: Bones for Homes by Elijah is the dream of seven year old Elijah. He was devastated after learning that some animals in shelters must be euthanized when they do not find homes, and he was determined to do something about that. Elijah decided to help buy selling dog treats, specifically the … [Read more...]
Tired Teachers
As a husband of a Teacher, this is right on. This video is from a recent Knox County School board meeting... A teacher gives her opinion about the new evaluation process for teachers in Tennessee. … [Read more...]
On break at a recording session…
I was at a recording session a couple of weeks ago and on break, another musician proposed a riddle to me that has been driving me crazy.... I've been thinking it through and have yet to come up with an answer. I'm sure the answer is out there, but I am resiting the urge to "use the Google". I've repeated it to several people and get the same response each time, "Wow, that sounds familiar. I think I've heard that one before." However no one has been able to give a decent answer. Here it … [Read more...]