Well.. This is just a test entry. I have converted my DB over to MySQl and and working out the bugs from the conversion. Most likely this will get deleted. TEST … [Read more...]
Randomness knows no bounds!!
Here's something completely different for you guys.. I'll be sure and post this entry under the Random Tibits Category.... This one is Quite a bit off mark... Any way. [More] … [Read more...]
MAC Security? Oh my, Oh my…
I got a note this morning about an interesting article over at IT Security. It's been called one of the safest operating systems of all time, but Mac's OS X Tiger may not be as safe as it seems. This list provides its top security issues and how to plug them. They've just released a report detailing some "Holes" in the OS X Tiger Operating system. They've given some suggestions on how to plug these holes. If you're a MAC user or a thinking about being a MAC user … [Read more...]
Supporting Vista!
Since I've started having clients asking me about upgrading to Windows Vista. And, come to find out, I have to assist in the upgrading of an entire office network to Windows Vista I decided that I need to immerse myself in this new OS. You know.. since 1/2 my business is about PC support. Might want to know about this. Ya think. So, I am going to build myself a new computer with Windows Vista Ultimate. I'm doing a new PC because of the support issue. As it stands currently, 90% of … [Read more...]
More Outlook Information
Ran into this question today... I have multiple contact lists, how do I change the default address book that Outlook uses? Here are the directions for anyone else who wants to know. edited:Outlook 2002, 2003 and 2007 From the Tools menu, select Address Book... . The Address Book will open in a new window. In the new Address Book window, from the Tools menu, select Options... . Under "Show this address list first:", use the scroll-down menu to select the appropriate listing (i.e., … [Read more...]
Friday Funny – Cool Test
Happy Friday!!! Today's "Friday Funny" comes from my friend James. Are you still cool? You know you were cool as a teenager - how about now? Take the Cool Test … [Read more...]
Site of the Week: WikiHow
I just had to share this site as the..... Site of the week!!! Say hello to... The WikiHow. wikiHow is a collaborative writing project to build the world's largest how-to manual. With your contributions, we can create a free resource that helps people by offering clear, concise solutions to the problems of everyday life. wikiHow currently contains 15,674 articles written, edited, and maintained primarily by volunteers. Please join us by writing a new page, or editing a page that someone … [Read more...]