My last gig with the Symphony of The Mountains was a doosie! We were quite busy! Three outdoor Concerts, in three days, in three states! Although it required quite a bit of driving, it was still pretty fun. The concert was long and made more difficult by the fact that each outdoor venue was majorly different. It was worth it none the less. I was able to get some work done for my day job. You remember, slaving away for the man?! But, I was also able to get some time to take a few … [Read more...]
Snowpacalypse Pics
February 2, 2013 - Groundhog day - SNOWPACALYPSE in Fountain City! It was a normal Saturday morning... I was sitting on my couch working for "The Man" ( as I do constantly now) , when I noticed a post on Twitter from a person I know to live near me that just read: SSSSSSSSSSSNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, that prompted me to look out the window. And What did I see? I'll tell you what.... a regular Winter-freakin-wonderland. Who knew it was supposed to snow? Not me. … [Read more...]
Pit-chures you missed
So... When I was... out. We'll just say I was out. When I was out, I took a bunch of "pitchures" that you imaginary folks never got forced er... the pleasure of viewing. So, I thought I'd start off my "return to web-dom" by linking a few of them here. They are all quite "artsy" so, if you don't like them... WHAT DO YOU KNOW!!?!?! :-P As I have no time to actually learn to use my camera, these are just lucky shots and images I thought neat. So, I hope you will as well. Clicking … [Read more...]
Well Hello There!
Hello? Is there anybody out there? It sure has been a long time. Those could be song lyrics. Those may be song lyrics. Who knows? I don't. It's been so long since I paid any attention to my own website, I'm surprised it's still here on the 'Interwebs"... Ok, It has been a long time, for sure. My last posts came right when I started a new job working for 'The man". I left the free-for-all, stress-less life of a self employed Computer consultant to dive back into the 'stress-free' … [Read more...]
Slowly but surely
Slowly but surely I am resurrecting posts and getting them back into the site. It may take a little time but, I'm determined. I've noticed most are pictures. A few are Coldfusion related, some are just general rants and the rest are just glorious reading. :lol: Anyway, hang on they're coming back. Don't worry! I will be putting them back on the date they were originally published but, those of you who get the Feedburner Feed will probably get notices when they are entered. So, be … [Read more...]
Site of the Week – Gina Lynette
Site-of-the-week - Let me start off by saying, I have known Gina for many, many years. All the way back to Middle School. (I wont say how long that actually is because, I'm not really that old ;-) or at least I wont admit it. ) But, I can safely say that she is one of my "oldest" friends. (Real and the Facebook kind). At any rate, Gina is a tremendous person and very dedicated to helping others. Gina is a life coach, facilitator and trainer and is a very "upbeat, … [Read more...]
Trouble with posts
Apparently my Database is screwed .... I have many posts that were/are marked as drafts and wont change so they can be displayed. Not that anyone cares, that is. But, I'm working on fixing it currently and am sure I will have a thrilling story to tell once I've straightened things out. These were all posts prior to my Wordpress 3.2 update. But, they seem to have been dead prior to that. So, If there be a slew of updates tonight... I'm sorry? or... Enjoy? But who … [Read more...]