Crazy thoughts? We all have them from time to time. But this weekend, I had a doozy. Sitting in rehearsal with The Symphony of the Mountains for our side-by-side concert of Movie Music with area high schoolers, I was playing along when—like all brass players must—I needed to empty my slides. (“spittious-accumulatious” for the uninitiated.) I looked down at the fresh pattern on the floor left by my most recent…ejection…and a thought struck me. (Naturally, I had to share it with the second … [Read more...]
A Picture A Day – Day 23
Day 23 Here ya go... More interesting. Well, not really. But, it is definitely nicer to look at! Our Tulips have reached a decent size. We get more and more of these each year. Coming soon, I'll have MANY more interesting pictures! The entire Network Engineering Team will be going to Wrestle Mania Soon. So, that will count for interesting pictures, right? … [Read more...]
Help Me Finish a Story
Many years ago when I was in College, in an overly stagnate Orchestral rehearsal (I think we were waiting on a violin "sectional" to end or something like that), the story below started taking shape. This "little ditty" was composed by myself, a fellow Hornist, and a Clarinetist. Now, I don't remember which of us wrote which section, this paper had seen better days so, I will leave the credits off. But, I did leave the section pauses where each new addition was added. Now, I know this … [Read more...]
Interesting Pay Scale
Interesting Math adventure. Today, while having lunch with my parents at Litton's, Barry Litton (the owner) posed a scenario that I had a hard time wrapping my head around. It was this: Barry: If a man came to your home and said, "I'd like to work in your yard everyday for the next 31 days. All I ask for is you pay me 1 cent the first day then double it every day after for the next 31 days." How much do you think you would end up paying? Me: No idea... I can't do that much math … [Read more...]
Use the Snipping Tool to Capture Menus
When Vista came on the scene one of the new features I thought was pretty cool was the new Snipping tool. It's a really useful little utility and for the most part it's great. In Windows 7, the tool is still there (no improvements that I can see). But, one of the things about this little utility that bothered me was my inability to use it to capture context and other drop-down menus. Every time I would open the menu I needed to capture, it would disappear as soon as I selected the Snipping … [Read more...]
Random Mess for Saturday
Here is another "Eaten Post" from my site Conversion. Happy Saturday to everyone... Following Friday Funny style (I know it's Saturday), the following came to me via an e-mail. Here is a random worthless mess for All those people who "know" everything. Who knows if it's 100% accurate or not but, if you know everything, you'll know. And, if you don't... Well... ENJOY! SO YOU THINK YOU KNOW EVERYTHING? A dime has 118 ridges around the edge. A cat has 32 muscles in each ear. A … [Read more...]
History Lesson
Continuing on the Theme of "Posts eaten" , we have this beauty below. It truly is a dandy, must be because, Wordpress ate it up like a plate of Chocolate covered bacon... mmmm, bacon! A friend of mine sent me a bit of information about our Presidential line that I did not know so, I thought I would share. Who was the first President? I'm sure that George Washington was your best guess. After all, no one else comes to mind. But think back to your history books - The United States … [Read more...]