I was at a recording session a couple of weeks ago and on break, another musician proposed a riddle to me that has been driving me crazy.... I've been thinking it through and have yet to come up with an answer. I'm sure the answer is out there, but I am resiting the urge to "use the Google". I've repeated it to several people and get the same response each time, "Wow, that sounds familiar. I think I've heard that one before." However no one has been able to give a decent answer. Here it … [Read more...]
Slowly but surely
Slowly but surely I am resurrecting posts and getting them back into the site. It may take a little time but, I'm determined. I've noticed most are pictures. A few are Coldfusion related, some are just general rants and the rest are just glorious reading. :lol: Anyway, hang on they're coming back. Don't worry! I will be putting them back on the date they were originally published but, those of you who get the Feedburner Feed will probably get notices when they are entered. So, be … [Read more...]
Pecan Party :: Carnage
So, I've got this HUGE Pecan tree in my yard. And, for the last few weeks, the Squirrels around here have been bombarding my office window the nuts from that tree. The really have sounded like they were having a great time. Throwing their shells at my windows, then running up a Dogwood tree and hiding till I look away. Quite a show let me tell you. I should probably set up a video camera.... Maybe a webcam. Yes, we could have a "Squirrel Pecan Party Cam" in the back! These guys sure … [Read more...]
Welcome Readers!
Hello all, I was planning a post for today... have a couple in mind actually but, like everyday I got distracted. I thought... Hey!... I've set up that Google Analytics thing but never actually looked at it's VERY detailed reports. I wonder what people are already reading. Well, to my surprise... (and to yours, I'm sure ;-) ) I actually have some readers out there. And this, as you can image, distracted me even further. "Where are these people coming from? Turns out, my site has seen hits … [Read more...]
Story Time
Here's a quick story for Nap time. Enjoy: [podcast]http://www.owenwebs.com/audio/story-time.mp3[/podcast] … [Read more...]
As I finish up my Taxes…
As I continue to work on my Taxes (is it too late to request a bailout?), I find myself needing some background noise. Normally, I would turn on BrinkFM but my wife found this little Video this weekend and I've become addicted. So, I post this here for so you'll get addicted for you to enjoy. Back to Taxes! … [Read more...]
Some Sillies for Tuesday
Darn Silliness! As you've probably noticed I've been listening to Brink.fm a bit here lately... not because I'm a HUGE fan of Radio (I'm more of a Audio Book person) but, because they play some pretty good stuff and a Friend of mine runs it. Patrick asked a bunch of us to record some Station IDs for him to use during song breaks. So, I cracked my knuckles, dug out the microphone, fired up Audacity and got to work. I decided to share some of my wonderful creations with you all... So … [Read more...]