Hi. As they say on twitter, I'm "the guy" with a Zune. Well, one of them anyway. Microsoft has recently officially announced the release of a new Zune this Fall. The Zune HD! Some of Features of the new Zune include: a Touch Screen with multi-touch navigation. This is a 3.3-inch screen and has a vivid 16:9 OLED display (480x272 resolution) Integrated HD Radio receiver: Tune into all your favorite stations with crystal-clear reception. Access a variety of HD Radio stations at no additional … [Read more...]
Help The KSO!
I just got this note in my e-mail from the KSO fan group on Facebook: from the KSO Executive Director, Rachel Ford: The KSO needs your help. We are mobilizing in an effort to support restoring the KSO’s County Grant funding. In the 2010 budget released yesterday by Knox County Mayor Mike Ragsdale, the Knoxville Symphony is set to receive only $6,790 in community agency grant funding—down from $43,438 last year. As you may have heard, several other cultural agencies that have received … [Read more...]
TOMMY: The Campus Review
If you'll remember , I was contracted to play in "The Band" for the Clarence Brown production of TOMMY. I know, I know... you play Horn. "You're not a Rocker Robert! " Anyway, the production finished up it's first week and is about to start up its second. (Shows run Wednesday through Sunday for the next two weeks) And, it appears the show has gotten it's first review. This one comes from the Daily Beacon (The University of Tennessee's Paper) and it's not too bad. Here's a snip: ...Still, … [Read more...]
Those Brits are a Talented Bunch
This is just a quick post to link to a video I saw on YouTube I would normally just embed it but they wont allow this one to be embedded. This is way better than the crap that spits on on American Idol and, shows you shouldn't judge by appearance alone. Give this a look: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lp0IWv8QZY … [Read more...]
As I finish up my Taxes…
As I continue to work on my Taxes (is it too late to request a bailout?), I find myself needing some background noise. Normally, I would turn on BrinkFM but my wife found this little Video this weekend and I've become addicted. So, I post this here for so you'll get addicted for you to enjoy. Back to Taxes! … [Read more...]
Internet Radio on the Brink!
From the wild and crazy mind of my friend Patrick, comes... Brink.fm Internet Radio is a beautiful thing and, if you're into Rock-n-Roll, this is the station for you! Just head on over to Brink.fm... Chose your listening method from the right-hand bar and you're off! There's a bonus too, if you just can't get enough, you can listen to brink from your cell phone using FlyCast. Here's how to use FlyCast: Just click the Flycast link from your phone, it will prompt you to download … [Read more...]
Oak Ridge Youth Symphony
On TuesdayApril 21, 2009 - 7p.m., the newly established Oak Ridge Youth Orchestra will have its premiere performance. The performance, under the direction of music director and conductor Rachel Grubb, will be held in the Oak Ridge High School Auditorium. The first performance will include: Bizet's L'Arlesienne Suite no. 1, Schumann Piano concerto in A minor and a World Premier by composer David Pegel. Cost: Reserved advance tickets :: $10. General admission at the door :: $5, student … [Read more...]