Here's an interesting read about Apple's wonderful customer service. Note my sarcasm? :-) Anyway, here's a short clip of the article. The Apple Retail Store Hates You - I recently visited the Apple store to exchange a defective power adapter which was still under warranty. I still have the defective adapter, as it has now cost more time and effort than it was originally worth. What I have lost is time, money, and trust in the ethics of the retail store. What I have gained is … [Read more...]
Got an iPhone? Better turn it off!
By Robert Owen

I just followed a tweet over to Mashable and read another article about the latest Apple security flaw. This time affecting the iPhone. Cybersecurity researchers, Charlie Miller and Collin Mulliner, have identified a vulnerability in the iPhone OS that will allow an attacker to take control of the Phone via a SMS message. They have, supposedly, notified Apple more than a month ago about this vulnerability, but the company still hasn’t released a patch. The two plan to publicize the … [Read more...]
Here’s to MAC Security
By Robert Owen
This was another "Eaten" Post. I'm adding it back because I find it is still relevant information in the whole MAC vs PC debate going on these days. The information below is slightly dated but, it really hasn't changed much in the past year. Problems still exist on BOTH sides. (Although the MAC guys would lead you to believe otherwise.) Well, we always hear of the Apple Macintosh's superior OS security... How they never get viruses; never lock-up, No "Holes" in their OS etc.. And, now that … [Read more...]