Hi. As they say on twitter, I'm "the guy" with a Zune. Well, one of them anyway. Microsoft has recently officially announced the release of a new Zune this Fall. The Zune HD! Some of Features of the new Zune include: a Touch Screen with multi-touch navigation. This is a 3.3-inch screen and has a vivid 16:9 OLED display (480x272 resolution) Integrated HD Radio receiver: Tune into all your favorite stations with crystal-clear reception. Access a variety of HD Radio stations at no additional … [Read more...]
Quick Tip: Add Vista to a Workgroup
Here's the quick and easy tip of the day: How to add your Vista computer to a workgroup. Quick & Easy: Add Vista to a workgroup from Robert Owen on Vimeo. If you found this tip helpful and would like more, please post your requests in the comments below. This was made using Jing. It's free!! Go get it! … [Read more...]
Pretty URLS for WordPress on IIS
I've been playing around with my site again. Trying to work out the beauty of my urls. I thought they looked pretty good... Well, similar to what I'm used to from BlogCFC anyway. The urls were like this: www.owenwebs.com/index.php/xxxx/xxx/xxx etc.. Which is not too bad... Better than the default: owenwebs.com/?p=13 or something silly like that. But, I've seen them better around the web. And made it a goal to get mine to work that way also. After a bunch of Google-ing I found several … [Read more...]
Xbox 360 Junkie?
Are you an Xbox live Junkie??? Love playing your games on-line? Well, if you do then you will like this. I just read a tweet from @digitarius over at Twitter about this deal he found on Amazon. It appears that they have Xbox Live Gold memberships on sale.. Thirteen months for only $29.97! So, hurry now while they last ! … [Read more...]
Microsoft Zune Update
Attention all Zune owners out there! I just read over at the Supersite for Windows that Microsoft will be releasing the Zune 3.0 software/firmware update on September 16, 2008. The update adds some interesting features to the player. One makes use of the built-in FM tuner. Supposedly, if you are listening to the FM tuner on the Zune and hear a song you want, you will be able to tap the pad and purchase the song via wi-fi through the Zune Market Place. Another new feature is the addition … [Read more...]
Error – A problem on your computer is preventing updates from being downloaded
Ok... You find your Windows computer needs some updates. So, you go to Windows Update and download the needed fixes. Windows goes to install them and fails immediately giving you this error: Error: A problem on your computer is preventing updates from being downloaded Here's what to do to solve the problem: Click "Start" then "Run" and type cmd to open a command window At the command prompt type regsvr32 wuapi.dll You should then receive the message that the DLL has been registered. … [Read more...]
Complete PC Back-up: Pretty dang cool!
A week or so back I got to test the Back-up built into Vista Ultimate. Not due to any problems caused by Vista but, because of some Hard drive issues. I was using the on board Intel RAID controller on my ASUS P5W64-WS Pro Motherboard. This thing has been causing a little trouble for a while. So, hoping it would solve all my woes, I decided to get an above board RAID controller. Anticipating trouble with the transfer, I decided I needed a full back up of my PC. This was too much to send up to … [Read more...]