Day 26 I was trying to figure out what I would take a picture of for today's shot... The day was almost over and I was running out of time. Then, while barreling towards the house (after leaving "the man") I saw the sun setting through the clouds. The colors were really cool. Though the colors are pretty cool, I probably shouldn't have tried this while driving 65... The phone camera is pretty handy but possibly running a bus of Nuns off the road isn't worth it, I guess... … [Read more...]
A Picture A Day – Day 23
Day 23 Here ya go... More interesting. Well, not really. But, it is definitely nicer to look at! Our Tulips have reached a decent size. We get more and more of these each year. Coming soon, I'll have MANY more interesting pictures! The entire Network Engineering Team will be going to Wrestle Mania Soon. So, that will count for interesting pictures, right? … [Read more...]