We've not had a funny in a while... Well, to be more specific, we've not had a funny Display on the site in a while. This is one of the posts that was stuck in my Database. I was able to export most of the entries from the database. Once exported I deleted them but, for some reason they would not import back in and actually show in the site. So, I'm in the process of manually putting things back. And what better type of content to start with than a funny!?!? And, in case you didn't notice, … [Read more...]
Change your max file upload size in WordPress
Everybody may already know how to do this but, I didn't and it was driving me crazy. And, since I will have to make this change again sometime, I'm posting it here. Ever since I switched over to Wordpress, I've been stuck with a two (2) meg file upload limit. I thought this was a bit crazy because I self host this site and have full control over every aspect of the server. Since I don't give myself any limits anywhere else (I'm such a good host) I didn't like having one here either. Or … [Read more...]
Looking for a change
Hello everyone... Just a short note to say... Things are about to change around here in the Random Blog cyber-land. Yes sir, that's for sure, times they are about to change. The "house" needs a good paint job and I've got several styles in mind. Once I narrow it down that'll be "all she wrote"!. But prior to that I'm thinking I may change up my blog software. Still stay Coldfusion based but maybe moved to something different. Don't get me wrong, I've been very … [Read more...]