Happy Friday! I got a link to this little ditty on Monday. Not a bad funny to start off a new month, eh? I think, If you're bored and feel comfortable with all your escape routes, this might be a fun gag to try... Might. :-P Tom Mabe: Eavesdropping … [Read more...]
Friday Funny: When Nature Calls
Happy Friday Everybody!! I hope your week has been Fun and Entertaining. But, if it hasn't, then... um... er... HAPPY FRIDAY, it's almost over! Take a break this weekend, kick back, relax... Don't think about Thanksgiving coming up. Don't think about how dirty the house is. Don't think about how much food you have to cook. No, think of nothing. And what better "nothing" to think of than a good-ole Friday Funny! :-) In order to help you "not think", I've elected to post a video. … [Read more...]
Friday Funny: Things you probably shouldn’t do
Happy Friday!!! This week's Friday Funny is not a joke but, a series of images of certain activities. Activities that SHOULD NEVER be performed in the manner in which they are pictured. This post is not intended for instruction... In other words "These people are obviously professionals, don't attempt this at home!" Just click on a thumb nail to see a larger image. Enjoy! :lol: … [Read more...]
Friday Funny: A little Instruction
Happy Friday Everybody!! I hope you all had an acceptable work week... Like usual, mine was highly... diverse. Yes, I think diverse is a good description. Some might say... crazy? No, I don't think it qualifies as "Crazy"... I think diverse leaves more to the imagination. Anyway, this week's Friday Funny is a long one but, I find it to be highly instructive. This arrived on my door step via the glorious medium of e-mail and I thought everyone needed the wisdom that this list … [Read more...]
Friday Funny: A couple of Quick Ones
Happy Friday Everyone!!! It's been a rough week... or two. That's why you've only seen the Friday Funny posts up. It's been a bit busy around here... cleaning up some messes and trying to keep my head above water. (I really should make better use of the "Schedule Post" feature) At any rate, I'm really glad it's Friday! Today's set of little ditties came to me via my e-mail. (my friends seem to have no end to their leisure time while at work!) These are short so I stuck the three … [Read more...]
Friday Funny: Hillbilly Vasectomy
This week's Friday Funny comes to us from my fine stash of old e-mails. People send me the darnedest things. Strangely, as I type this, I have the urge to warn all who read... "Don't Try this at home!!" And, with that, I give you: … [Read more...]