Live in Knoxville? Looking for a good deal? Looking to save some money? Thought about trying to use coupons but don't know where to start? Well then is the place you should start. There is a variety of information on this site. Not just grocery coupons (although there is plenty of them), Katie provides information about deals in other areas as well. Free Calendars from, free Gym Classes, information on local events, Katie even gives you direction … [Read more...]
Friday Funny: Teacher Joke
*sigh* :-( Well, the Summer Vacation is officially over. Since I have so many friends who are teachers and School is about to start back here in Knox County, I thought today's Friday Funny should go out to all my Teacher friends. You know, just to help prepare them for a return to the classroom and all their wonderful students after a Summer break that may have dulled their reactions. Enjoy! :twisted: A teacher was helping her student with a math problem. She recited the … [Read more...]
New Site: JustUsLeeg
I've been helping some twitter friends with a new site, ... Go check it out! Till you do, here's what it's about: The JustUsLeeg started out with @bc42 and @thesnarkyone having a beer at breakers. They went to high school together and decided the next time they should invite some other friends to show up. Little by little people started showing up every two weeks to geek out and have beers together. We then decided to have a tweetup every other meeting (monthly) of the JL and … [Read more...]