This is more of a quick reminder for myself. Hopefully someone else will find it useful as well... If you have multiple instances of ColdFusion running on a server and one of those starts to runaway with the processor you just need to kill it and move on, right? But, what if you what to know which instance it was? If you don't have something like FusionReactor watching your CF Instances then a quick way to determine which instance is the trouble maker is to see the config file being used … [Read more...]
WordPress and Smileys
I don't know about you but, sometimes on the web (twitter especially) the humor or sarcasm meant in a statement can be lost. So, I always try to add a little smiley so people know I'm not such a big jerk. On a similar front, Wordpress will convert text smileys into their graphic equivalent . The problem is, I can't ever remember what the "Proper" text for the smiley is supposed to be. I did a little searching (via Bing, BTW) and came across this list of smileys that will work with … [Read more...]
CA Arcserve version 9.0 and IE 7
I ran across an interesting error on a client's server this past week. Their nightly backup had begun crashing without any reported cause. The results of the last back-up simply said crashed. The logs did not show any clear reason why this would be happening. Other than they had several instances of "Bad media" reported in some of their last actual back-up attempts. Side note: Pay more attention to your back-ups people!! if you start seeing "Crashed" errors. Don't wait a month … [Read more...]