Day twelve... Twelve days of Christmas pictures. Twelve days of updates... It's amazing. Completely unbelievable, isn't it?! Well, anyway here is the update for today. It's the MOON!!! The moon looked pretty cool tonight so, I got my Digital camera and tried to get a few shots. Here ya go, enjoy the... MOON! Pretty cool, No? … [Read more...]
Friday Funny: Cell Phone Games
Happy Friday! I got a link to this little ditty on Monday. Not a bad funny to start off a new month, eh? I think, If you're bored and feel comfortable with all your escape routes, this might be a fun gag to try... Might. :-P Tom Mabe: Eavesdropping … [Read more...]
Friday Funny: When Nature Calls
Happy Friday Everybody!! I hope your week has been Fun and Entertaining. But, if it hasn't, then... um... er... HAPPY FRIDAY, it's almost over! Take a break this weekend, kick back, relax... Don't think about Thanksgiving coming up. Don't think about how dirty the house is. Don't think about how much food you have to cook. No, think of nothing. And what better "nothing" to think of than a good-ole Friday Funny! :-) In order to help you "not think", I've elected to post a video. … [Read more...]
The Obligatory (and Mildly Sarcastic) Terms of Service By reading this site, linking to it, quoting it, or printing anything from it, congratulations—you’ve already agreed to these terms. There’s no escape. Welcome to the club. The Genius Content Policy Everything you see on (including its many dusty subdirectories) is copyrighted by Owen Consulting. That means it belongs to us, and you can’t just copy/paste our brilliance without proper credit. Most of what you’ll find here … [Read more...]
Not Coldfusion….
I'm trying my best to keep things relevant... Well, maybe I'm not. Anyway, as you can tell.. or maybe you can't I don't know, this is yet another Non-Coldfusion, non-Techincal, non-helpful Post.. Hey this blog is "Random" isn't it?!? Well, I've decided to try and improve my picture taking skills. When building websites, you always find yourself in need of some picture or image you don't have. I've never been a good photographer and... well.. these images aren't necessarily good. But The bug … [Read more...]