We've not had a funny in a while... Well, to be more specific, we've not had a funny Display on the site in a while. This is one of the posts that was stuck in my Database. I was able to export most of the entries from the database. Once exported I deleted them but, for some reason they would not import back in and actually show in the site. So, I'm in the process of manually putting things back. And what better type of content to start with than a funny!?!? And, in case you didn't notice, … [Read more...]
Help Me Finish a Story
Many years ago when I was in College, in an overly stagnate Orchestral rehearsal (I think we were waiting on a violin "sectional" to end or something like that), the story below started taking shape. This "little ditty" was composed by myself, a fellow Hornist, and a Clarinetist. Now, I don't remember which of us wrote which section, this paper had seen better days so, I will leave the credits off. But, I did leave the section pauses where each new addition was added. Now, I know this … [Read more...]
Friday Funny: Grandpa
Hello all, My Friday Funnies posts have been floundering here of late but, today my Friend Christie over at MiscBytes.com sent me this little ditty and it is a HOOT! So, thanks Christie! You've given the Friday Funnies a much needed Jump start! Have a good Weekend everybody! Grandpa A woman in a super market is following a grandfather and his badly behaved 3 year-old grandson. It's obvious to her that he has his hands full with the child screaming for sweets in the sweet aisle, … [Read more...]
Friday Funny: Cell Phone Games
Happy Friday! I got a link to this little ditty on Monday. Not a bad funny to start off a new month, eh? I think, If you're bored and feel comfortable with all your escape routes, this might be a fun gag to try... Might. :-P Tom Mabe: Eavesdropping … [Read more...]
Friday Funny: Can’t Remember?
Last week I forgot to post a Friday Funny. In fact, last week I didn't post much at all. I nearly forgot Friday Funny again this week until I ran across this little ditty on Youtube. Hope you enjoy... Hope it helps you remember to do something you didn't realize you had forgotten. Too bad I didn't see this last week! :-) … [Read more...]