I'm gonna try something new to keep myself posting. I'm going to post a "picture a day". Let's see how long I can keep it up. Want to take any bets on how long it will last? I'm not actually off to a very good start. I had intentions on starting this last Monday (2/21/2011), I even took some pictures during the week but, as you can see, I didn't get them posted. So, I'll play catch up now and start fresh tomorrow. :oops: … [Read more...]
Friday Funny: Cell Phone Games
Happy Friday! I got a link to this little ditty on Monday. Not a bad funny to start off a new month, eh? I think, If you're bored and feel comfortable with all your escape routes, this might be a fun gag to try... Might. :-P Tom Mabe: Eavesdropping … [Read more...]