Happy Friday Everybody!! I hope your week has been Fun and Entertaining. But, if it hasn't, then... um... er... HAPPY FRIDAY, it's almost over! Take a break this weekend, kick back, relax... Don't think about Thanksgiving coming up. Don't think about how dirty the house is. Don't think about how much food you have to cook. No, think of nothing. And what better "nothing" to think of than a good-ole Friday Funny! :-) In order to help you "not think", I've elected to post a video. … [Read more...]
As I finish up my Taxes…
As I continue to work on my Taxes (is it too late to request a bailout?), I find myself needing some background noise. Normally, I would turn on BrinkFM but my wife found this little Video this weekend and I've become addicted. So, I post this here for so you'll get addicted for you to enjoy. Back to Taxes! … [Read more...]